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Taryn Davis

Meet the Wizard of Essential Oils at Lucidity Festival

When I visited my first Lucidity Festival in 2016, it was my first time feeling a community of conscious, loving strangers. I met people from many places, discovered the trippiest artists, and most of all learned about the healing arts. Lucidity has influenced an integral part of my career path in the healing arts thanks to the well-rounded array of workshops that the festival has to offer, like reflexology classes, partner yoga, and (one of my personal favorites) essential oil playshops. I talked to one of my favorite workshop wizards of essential oils- Doctor Nick. He  is the founder of Essential Oil Wizardry, and has been doing workshops at many festivals and gatherings for many years now. 

After getting his license as a pharmaceutical doctor, Doctor Nick always kept an open mind and open heart around medicine and healing. He wanted to help people and was fascinated by the effects of drugs on the human body, so his journey really just started from an open space of exploration as well as listening. Where it shifted from where it shifted from traditional pharmacy approaches to alternative medicine began after a visit to Burning Man in 2010. 

“After the burn, I met up with some friends that I went to community college with that were starting a cannabis testing facility. And I had asked myself the question, how can I add legitimacy value and support for patients through this industry because I believed cannabis is a medicine. I also believe that cannabis is overused and abused. And so I thought, how can I add my gifts and talents to patients to help them maximize the therapeutic benefit and minimize any potential unwanted side effects between their pharmaceutical drugs and the cannabis that they were using? So I started marketing myself to cannabis clinics as a pharmacist that can help counsel patients about maximizing their therapeutic benefits with cannabis and also minimizing potential harms with the drug interactions between the drugs and herbs. As I started doing more research into the cannabis plant, I learned that all essential oils are that terpenes which are found inside the cannabis plant are found everywhere in nature and that these terpene molecules are pharmacologically active at very low concentrations and are found in all types of plants. When you extract those plants into essential oils, they carry these concentrated plant terpenes so that essential oils are able to modulate patient therapy using essential oils and you can minimize the use of cannabis and you can also enhance its quality using essential oils. So that was my first taste of starting to experiment with oils in different ways and that really just took me on my path.”

Doctor Nick then began on a path for working at a pharmacy which had different homeopathic supplements, herbal formulas, and different nutrition like nutraceuticals– one that provided both pharmaceutical drugs and alternative medicines or supplementation at a private pharmacy in Encino, California. This was a path that was about ten years ahead of its time, with a lot more of the newer and younger generations in modern times now looking to this approach for their own personal mental and physical wellbeing. 

As Doctor Nick was sharing the oils at different events and gatherings with people and individuals, he discovered the Lucidity Festival through attending a Lucent Dossier circus show. It was about a few weeks leading up to Lucidity when Doctor Nick pitched to the organizers to ask if he could volunteer his gifts and talents in exchange for attendance to the festival and they said yes. 

“My first year of Lucidity Festival was in 2012, and when I had attended was the first time that I actually shared my new business Essential Oil Wizardry through the expression of what I called ‘Conscious bartending’ into the community at a festival. So I was sharing different essential oils, in beverages and through a vaporizer for people to experience shifting their state of being helping people's immune systems, giving people a novel flavor experience in their beverages. Lucidity was literally the first weekend festival where I showed up and shared them with the community. People received my offer, and they’d give me feedback and tell me the things that were helpful for them. Lucidity is the first community experience that really helped me to shape my path and to guide my experience in serving the world with essential oils…Lucidity festival was a ripe location for me to grow as an individual and as a practitioner, where we all healed and grew together.”

Following his first Lucidity, Dr. Nick attained more confidence to work with individuals and was able to be transparent with his knowledge base, which was growing and expanding at that time. In his earlier days, he recalls having different reference guides and reading material that would reference when people would approach him with certain conditions, and he would approach it with growing confidence in his ability from his pharmaceutical doctor background as well as his nuanced approach with the elemental and therapeutic properties of the oils. With the community, he was getting feedback in real time with 100s to 1000s of people over the course of a weekend. Being able to monitor their progress with the oils in the short period of time as well as being able to integrate on and adapt with that feedback was crucial for taking that feedback to the lab in order to develop new products and targeted formulas.

In time, Dr. Nick was able to return the next year with more experience, more knowledge, more different formulations and with lifestyle tools to help support individuals with the modern with the support necessary for the modern times. He even made a “Lucid Oil”, a specialty blend influenced and inspired by Lucidity Festival! This upcoming Lucidity Festival, Dr. Nick and his wife are bringing their RV down and will be sharing the oils at an Essential Oil Wizardry play shop. Additionally, they will be roaming the grounds with their “oil wizard wagon” in hand so people will be able to engage with oils while we're exploring the Festival. They will even be making a special appearance at our new group theme camp this year, Camp Stop Won’t Stop!

“This year, what I'm envisioning bringing forward is different. Different oils, different tinctures. To help us evolve the mind, the body, the spirits and to bring people into their heart space and to activate their higher states of awareness. As we are, this population, we are in this ascension phase. There are patterns and old energies which no longer serve us, and so we're going to be sharing the essence of the plants to help support, stabilize and stimulate our own evolution.”

You can find our more information about Doctor Nick’s upcoming playshop at Lucidity here and browse some of his essential oil products at You also can purchase these oils at Beat Drop Chiropractic during your next chiropractic or massage appointment.

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